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Debugging Demystified: Your Path to Code Clarity

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Ayesha Gull

8/25/2023, 5:12:48 PM

3 min read

What is Debugging?

Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in the source code of any software. When software does not work as expected, computer programmers study the code to determine why any errors occurred. They use debugging tools to run the software in a controlled environment, check the code step by step, and analyze and fix the issue.  

Where did the term debugging originate?

The term debugging can be traced back to Admiral Grace Hopper, who worked at Harvard University in the 1940s. When one of her colleagues found a moth impeding the operation of one of the university's computers, she told them they were debugging the system. Computer programmers were first recorded as using the terms bugs and debugging by the 1950s, and by the early 1960s, the term debugging was commonly accepted in the programming community.  

Why is debugging important?

Bugs and errors happen in computer programming because it is an abstract and conceptual activity. Computers manipulate data in the form of electronic signals. Programming languages abstract this information so humans can interact with computers more efficiently. Any type of software has several layers of abstraction, with different components communicating for an application to work correctly. When errors occur, finding and resolving the issue can be challenging. Debugging tools and strategies help to fix problems faster and improve developer productivity. As a result, both software quality and the end-user experience improve.  

How does the debugging process work?

The debugging process typically requires the following steps.  

Debugging vs. testing

Debugging and testing are complementary processes that ensure software programs run as they should. After writing a complete section or part of a code, programmers test to identify bugs and errors. Once bugs are found, coders can begin the process of debugging and work towards ridding software of any errors.  

What are the coding errors that require debugging?

Software defects arise due to the complexity that is inherent to software development. Minor production errors are also observed after the software is live because customers use it in unexpected ways. We give below some common types of errors that often require the process of debugging.  

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